The construction contract was awarded to Excel Gray Bruni who engaged Rivland to provide surveying services on the $65 million Defence base project, this involved set out of services, footings, earthworks, vertical and horizontal checks of structure, and complete as-builts. For consistency Rivland were also engaged by the civil, electrical, hydraulic, concrete and structural steel contractor to undertake their own surveying requirements.
The project was constructed in 3 different stages over 12 months.
Stage 1 works were to construct a new employee car park, access roads and entrances off main road. Car Park consisted of an internal storm water system that filtered through a pollutant trap before discharging into a sediment detention basin constructed next to car park. Car park was 10,500 m2 in pavement & asphalt with kerb & gutter surrounding and islands.
Stage 2 was to construct a new entrance into the defence base. These works consisted internal storm water drainage, pavement construction, Kerb & Gutter and asphalt. All works were done to suit new gate house buildings constructed at the same time. Demolition of the existing gate house was also included in stage 2 works.
Stage 3 was the largest stage for the project consisting of 75% on the contract works. Stage 3 consisted of many different types of pavements from Concrete hard stands, Asphalt pavements, building platforms & Heavy-duty concrete pavers. A large internal storm water system was also constructed that filtered through 1 of 2 pollutant traps installed before discharging into a larger constructed detention basin.
The project was delivered in 12 months as scheduled with Rivland successful in resourcing and administering survey on the Defence base project.